On Mother's Day, we send our heartfelt greetings to all the incredible mamas worldwide. We also shine a spotlight on the remarkable mothers within the coffee farming community. These women work hard each day to provide for their families, demonstrating unwavering dedication and courage.

The care these women demonstrate in cultivating their coffee make them significant contributors to the quality coffee industry. They also play a crucial role in shaping future generations in coffee farming. We want to highlight inspiring mothers like Magdalena Cruz. A resilient single mother in Las Mercedes, Nicaragua, Magdalena is an integral part of the Tierra Madre project by Aldea Global, empowering women in the coffee industry. Through this initiative, she gains access to loans and a clear path to land ownership, paving the way for a brighter future for herself and her family.

Today, we raise our cups to the incredible women in the coffee industry who are not only mothers but also leaders, entrepreneurs, farmers, and then some to their families and friends. Investing in women doesn't just benefit them—it uplifts entire families and communities.

To all of you out there, Happy Mother's Day!