As you walk through the grocery store, you’ve probably noticed the Fairtrade logo on many products. But what does this logo actually mean, and what is Fairtrade all about?

Fairtrade was established in 1992, in response to calls for fairer trade practices from coffee farmers in Mexico. Two years later, the first Fairtrade-certified product hit the shelves, and since then, the range of Fairtrade products has expanded massively, covering everything from coffee to cocoa to bananas.

Now, 30 years on, Fairtrade has grown into a global movement that aims to provide better prices and working conditions for farmers and workers in developing countries. At its core, Fairtrade ensures that the people behind the products we enjoy, such as coffee, receive  a fair income for their work.

One of the ways Fairtrade supports farmers is by guaranteeing a Fairtrade Minimum Price, a safety net that protects them when market prices drop. Because agricultural products like coffee are traded globally, their prices fluctuate based on weather, market demand, and what can be unpredictable factors. Income stability is crucial  for farmers who rely on crops like coffee as their primary source of income.

In addition to the minimum price, farmers also receive an additional sum called the Fairtrade Premium. This premium is used by the farming communities to fund essential projects including infrastructure, education, and environmental initiatives that will ensure  better futures in farming.

Another important aspect of Fairtrade is transparency. The entire Fairtrade supply chain, from the farms where commodities are harvested to the products you buy in stores, is audited by third parties to ensure Fairtrade standards are met throughout. This means that when you buy a Fairtrade product, you can trust that it has been verified as fair, responsible, and sustainable – every step of the way.

Over the past three decades, Fairtrade  has empowered over 2 million farmers across the globe. It has also generated more than 2 billion euros in Fairtrade Premium payments, helping communities thrive and build more sustainable futures. Fairtrade is more than just a label; it's a commitment to fairness, sustainability, and better livelihoods for the people who produce the products we enjoy every day.

By choosing Fairtrade, you’re supporting farmers and their communities, helping them build brighter, more sustainable futures.

Learn more about Fairtrade here.