In honour of International Women's Day, this month, we're amplifying women's voices and sharing inspiring stories that transcend borders and inspire possibility. Today, our journey takes us to Jinotega, Nicaragua, a lush landscape where coffee plantations stretch as far as the eye can see.

We shine a spotlight on the Tierra Madre project, part of Aldea Global. Spanish for “Mother Earth”, this initiative is planting seeds of change in the coffee industry and for women coffee farmers.

Tierra Madre is more than a coffee initiative; it's a lifeline for women coffee producers. In a region where only 15% of women hold land titles, this project becomes a beacon of hope. The specialty, high-quality coffee they produce earns them a premium that helps them move toward obtaining legal ownership of their land.

What does it mean when a woman owns her land? It can be many things, among them: a form of savings, a place to call her own, an inheritance to pass along, collateral she can leverage to fuel a socio-economic flywheel. In fact, through the Tierra Madre program, these women are not only legalizing their land ownership, but also gaining access to crucial micro-credit loans, providing them with the necessary working capital to improve their families’ quality of life and contribute to their local communities.

Aldea Global is dedicated to empowering its coffee farmers by providing comprehensive support and resources to cultivate thriving and sustainable businesses. Through their efforts, they strive to achieve a harmonious balance between environmental stewardship and profitable production, contributing to a brighter future for coffee communities worldwide.

Join us in celebrating Aldea Global and the Tierra Madre project, where each sip tells a story of resilience, strength, and the pursuit of dreams. &BACK is proud to have supported this program in 2023.