As we celebrate International Women's Day, &BACK proudly reaffirms its commitment to empowering women, not just as coffee farmers but as catalysts for transformative change in their communities.

Our journey begins with the recognition that investing in women has a profound multiplier effect, touching the lives of their families and entire communities. It is well known in the development space that for every dollar a woman earns, 90% goes to her children, household, and community.

In partnering exclusively with Fairtrade, we work with representatives in the field to identify co-ops prioritising social and economic inclusion for women. The Fairtrade certification stands as a testament to the better prices women coffee farmers receive for their coffee and grants them access to programs that extend beyond the coffee fields.

In addition, &BACK funds financial literacy training programs for women coffee farmers, empowering them to independently manage their finances and run thriving businesses. One of the co-ops we work with is the Kabngetuny Farmers Co-op in Kenya. Through workshops and hands-on experiences, &BACK helps to equips women with the skills needed to make smart investments, save for the future, and build resilience in the face of economic uncertainty.

In Ecuador, our support extends to coffee farmers and young entrepreneurs through agricultural training programs, helping them to secure prosperous futures in coffee farming and to support their families and communities.

These are remarkable stories of courage and impact. Watch Lesbia's inspiring journey here, highlighting the strength of the women who cultivate not just coffee but positive change.

Today, and every day, raise your cup to these incredible women. With every sip of &BACK coffee, you're supporting a brighter, more empowered future. Happy International Women's Day! 🌷☕