Dive into the heart of &BACK's commitment to our planet as we unveil our environmental initiatives. From preserving biodiversity to empowering coffee farmers, join us on a journey of sustainability and positive change. Together, let's explore how our actions are making a difference for a greener tomorrow.

Bees For Biodiversity: Our Meliponas Bee Project is dedicated to preserving biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest. We support the proliferation of Melipona bees, essential pollinators in the Amazon rainforest ecosystem. Through our program, farmers are trained to manage apiaries, promoting sustainable coffee cultivation and honey production. These small yet mighty pollinators play a crucial role in enhancing coffee cherries' quality, volume, and taste, benefiting both farmers and the environment.

Training For Coffee Farmers: Addressing the challenges posed by climate change in coffee production, we partner with Witoca and AsoAmazonas in Ecuador's Amazon to provide agricultural training for coffee farmers. This initiative aims to improve the quality and quantity of Robusta coffee yields, shaping the future of coffee production in the region and in the industry, writ large. Through education and support, we empower local farmers, inspire the next generation, and elevate the status of Robusta coffee as a quality crop in the Amazon.

Supporting Sustainable Coffee Co-ops: At &BACK, we're committed to supporting sustainable coffee co-ops worldwide. One of our proud partnerships is with the Kabnegetuny Farmers Co-op in Kenya. Not only does this co-op prioritise the social and economic inclusion of women coffee farmers, but it also champions environmental stewardship. Partnering with Fairtrade's "Growing Women in Coffee" initiative, the co-op has installed biogas units in women farmers' homes, eliminating the need for firewood and promoting organic fertilisation.

We are proud to be a part of and support projects and initiatives that protect the environments and futures of coffee farmers worldwide. By prioritising sustainability, fostering community empowerment, and preserving biodiversity, we're actively shaping a brighter tomorrow for coffee communities around the world.