By Published On: June 8, 2023Categories: EnglishComments Off on 5 Reasons Why Your Business Should Care About Climate Neutral Coffee

If you haven’t heard by now, &BACKTM coffee is not only Fairtrade, but we’re also officially Carbon Neutral!

What does that mean? We’ve undertaken an internationally recognized certification process: measuring our carbon footprint from the coffee grower through our supply chain; planning to reduce our emissions, and investing in climate-friendly programs to offset the emissions we cannot eliminate. (Learn more about our climate investments)

Why do we do it? Because responsible environmental stewardship is part of our core business model and our commitment to the well-being of the communities around the world who produce our coffee.

Here are the most crucial questions: why should you care that we’re Climate Neutral, and why should you use your purchasing power to support Climate Neutral businesses like &BACKTM?

  1. The planet wants you to. Our global climate has warmed by 1.1 degrees C (2 degrees F), a shift already causing immeasurable harm worldwide through increasingly extreme weather events. To achieve the essential goal of keeping global warming under 2 degrees C (3.6 degrees F), everyone needs to do their part. That means not only working to reduce the carbon footprint of your own company, but choosing suppliers who are also making a difference.
  2. Your customers and clients want you to. According to numerous surveys of American consumers, 70 percent consistently say they expect the companies they support with their consumer dollars to be good corporate citizens socially and environmentally. Being able to brag that your business is doing its part right down to the Fairtrade, Climate Neutral coffee in your breakroom will win you brand loyalty in the marketplace.
  3. Your employees want you to. By 2025, millennials will make up 75 percent of the workforce. And now Gen Z is beginning to reach employment age as well. This new generation of workers is motivated less by pay and benefits than by the desire to work for companies they feel are making a positive difference in the world. The more your business can show that you’re on the leading edge of social and environmental responsibility in every aspect of your operations, the more you’ll attract, engage and retain top young talent.
  4. Your investors want you to. A 2022 survey of institutional investors by Morgan Stanley found that 85 percent of asset managers and 83 percent of asset owners were either already implementing or planning to implement sustainable investment strategies. The reality is that, for the investor of the future, good environmental-social governance (ESG) will be as strong a consideration as ROI when deciding where they put their money.
  5. Your kids want you to. Ultimately, choosing Climate Neutral Certified suppliers is less about our businesses today and all about taking responsibility for your organization’s impact on the environment and contributing to a better future for all. By taking action on climate change, companies can help create a more sustainable and equitable world for future generations.

So there you have it—five solid reasons your company should care about Climate Neutral and why you should support it through companies like &BACKTM.  This is about more than a cup of coffee; you can do your part easily. Get in touch with us today to stock your business program with a delicious Fairtrade, Climate Neutral coffee and be a part of the circle of change… from bean to cup and back!

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